- 特劳赤,E.P.W.(1865-1923) Ernst Peter Wilhelm Troeltsch (1865 ~1923)
- 伯胺N_(1923)萃取醋酸的研究 Extraction of Acetic Acid with Primary Amine N 1923
- 苏俄饥荒与胡佛救济(1921-1923) Russian Famine and American Hoover Relief (1921-1923)
- N_(1923)萃淋树脂对钯吸萃性能及机理的研究 Characteristics and Mechanism of Ad-sorption of Palladium by Prime Amine N_(1923)Levextrel Resin
- 加拿大华人社会内部的合作与冲突(1923-1999) Cooperation and Conflict Inside Canadian Chinese Societies (1923-1999)
- ,1872-1933,美国第30任总统,任期为 1923-1929) John Calvin
- 在硫酸溶液中伯胺N_(1923)对铈、钕、镝铒萃取行为的初步探讨 A Study of Extraction Behaviour of Ce.Nd.Dy.Er.By Primary Amine N1923 In Sulfuric Acid Medium
- 1921 年 3 月 19 日复刊,至 1923 年 2 月 10 日第 200期终刊。 It resumed publication on March 19th, 1921, and ended at the 200th issue on February 10th, 1923. "Saturday" was very popular in the early years of the Republic of China.
- 马尔索,马塞尔生于1923法国喜剧演员,最有名的角色是一个忧郁的小丑毕普 French mime whose most famous character is Bip, a sad-faced clown.
- 利希滕斯坦,罗伊生于1923美国受欢迎的艺术家,他以描绘大型连环图画册而出名 American pop artist who is best known for his large-scale depictions of comic book panels.
- 1923例(1923眼)眼眶肿瘤摘除手术,22例发生意外视力丧失,占全部病例的1.14%。 Of 1923 surgeries,22 accidental vison loss happened.
- 凯利,埃尔斯沃思生于1923美国抽象画家和雕塑家,其作品以颜色区较平并有界线极分明的边为标志 American abstract painter and sculptor whose works are characterized by flat color areas with sharply defined edges.
- 狄克尼,詹姆斯 拉斐特生于1923美国作家,更是一个诗人,虽然其的小说解救(1970年)最有名 American writer, especially of poetry, although he is perhaps best known for his novel Deliverance(1970).
- 相关作品有自传体三部曲《童年》(1913?14),《在人间》(1915?16),《我的大学》(1923)。 His works include the autobiographical trilogy My Childhood (1913 ? 14), In the World (1915 ? 16), and My Universities (1923).
- 佩瑞多,韦尔福雷多1848-1923意大利经济学家和社会学家,他的理论影响了意大利法西斯的发展 Italian economist and sociologist whose theories influenced the development of Italian fascism.
- 柯立芝:美国1923至1929年间第一夫人,是加尔文·柯立芝总统的妻子.以她的友好爽直态度著称. Coolidge:First lady of the United States (1923-1929) as the wife of President Calvin Coolidge. She was known for her outgoing manner.
- 狄克尼,詹姆斯·拉斐特生于1923美国作家,更是一个诗人,虽然其的小说解救(1970年)最有名 American writer,especially of poetry,although he is perhaps best known for his novel Deliverance(1970).
- 莫利,爱德华 威廉斯1838-1923美国化学家和物理学家,与艾伯特 米切尔森一起证明了电磁波假定媒介的存在 American writer who was a founder and editor(1924-1941) of Saturday Review and wrote prolifically, most notably popular novels, including Parnassus on Wheels(1917).
- 两的进入被延迟直到秋天术语1924在引起了他的左边腿多样的破碎五月1923世被北京的损失惨重的摩托车意外事件。 Liang's entry was delayed until the fall term of 1924 by a disastrous motorcycle accident in Peking in May 1923 that caused multiple fractures of his left leg.
- 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield,1888---1923)是现代英国文学中一位杰出的短篇小说家。 Katherine Mansfield (l888-l923) is a distingUished sholt storywriter in modern English litertae.